Pangea Insect Complete Diet

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Regular price $37.99

We set out to create a crested gecko food that incorporates insects as one of the main ingredients to replicate a natural insect-based diet and generate an enthusiastic feeding response. We think we have succeeded; in fact, this is one of our tastiest and most popular gecko food formulas so far! The insects used in the diet are North American farm-raised crickets and black soldier fly larvae. The Pangea Gecko Diet with Insects™ was researched, developed, and tested for two years here at Pangea on one of the largest collections of geckos in the world. All our food is made by us in the United States.


  • Complete crested gecko diet
  • Packed with insects
  • Fortified with natural fruits, high-quality proteins, vitamins, and minerals
  • Our most popular crested gecko food!
  • Excellent feeding response
  • Includes crickets and black soldier fly larvae

The Pangea Gecko Diet with Insects™ is formulated to contain the lowest levels of oxalates and other anti-nutrients to ensure optimal calcium absorption for strong bones and great egg production. Our combination of protein sources delivers an amino acid profile second to none.