Tropical Malawi Slow Sinking Chips - 520 g

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SKU: 5900469607268
Regular price $49.99
Regular price -12% $56.99 Sale price $49.99

Tropical Malawi Slowly Sinking Chips are a specialized vegetarian flake food designed specifically for Malawi and other herbivorous chiclids. Malawi Slowly Sinking Chips are created by Tropical from a balanced set of vitamins and nutrients and specifically designed to fit Malawi mouths, which help your pets feed comfortably while boosting their overall health.

Tropical Malawi Slowly Sinking Chips are formulated from easily digested vegetable protein, derived from ingredients such as green pea and spirulina, to be easily assimilable by your herbivorous Malawi. This feed is also rich in vitamins and natural mineral salts, helping to stimulate and enhance fish immune systems.