Tropical Super Goldfish Sinking Mini Sticks - 150g

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SKU: 5900469643747
Regular price $13.99
Regular price -22% $17.99 Sale price $13.99

Tropical Super Goldfish Sinking Mini Sticks are multi-ingredient food sticks designed specifically to satisfy the nutritional needs of goldfish, including lionhead, oranda, and ranchu.

Tropical's goldfish formula contains a high concentration of protein and essential amino acids to help promote healthy head-growths and veil-tails, key characteristics of many species of goldfish.

Super Goldfish Sinking Mini Sticks also contain a balanced nutritional formula capable of fulfilling all of your goldfish's essential needs, with all of the vitamins and trace elements necessary to ensure healthy, steady growth.

Natural astaxanthin intensifies colouration and stimulates fish immune systems, boosting overall health and resilience. Tropical Super Goldfish Sinking Mini Sticks also may be used as a nutritional supplement for species of goldfish that do not have head-growths.